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网址:www.gangqinc.aou1.cn  2021-11-19  作者:admin    阅读:

踏板(Pedal)是指钢琴下面用足踩的踏板而言。它是钢琴中除键盘外最重要的配件。1711年意大利乐器制造家克理斯多佛利(Bartolommeo Cristofori)在改造钢琴时发明的。主要分为三个部分。(其中最常用的是延音踏板)
Pedal refers to the pedal under the piano that you step on with your feet. It is the most important accessory in piano besides keyboard. It was invented by Bartolommeo Cristofori, an Italian musical instrument maker, in 1711 when he reformed the piano. It is mainly divided into three parts. (the most commonly used is the sustain pedal)
延音踏板(Damper Pedal):右踏板,也叫做延音踏板,又叫共鸣踏板。是英国人布劳马(John Broadwood)于1783年发明,通常是钢琴下最右内侧的踏板,也有书上称之为“增音器”,当延音踏板被压时下,平时压在弦上的制音器(Damper)立即扬起。使所有的琴弦延续震动,将踏板放开后,所有的制音器又全部压在琴弦上制止发音。由于按下制音踏板会使琴声在一定程度上扩大,故又称强音踏板(Loud Pedal)。
Damper pedal: the right pedal, also known as the sustain pedal, also known as the resonance pedal. It was invented by John Broadwood, an Englishman, in 1783. It is usually the inner most right pedal under the piano. It is also called "amplifier" in some books. When the sustain pedal is depressed, the damper usually pressed on the string will be raised immediately. Make all strings continue to vibrate. When the pedal is released, all the dampers are pressed on the strings to stop the sound. It is also called loud pedal because it will enlarge the sound of the piano to a certain extent by pressing the brake pedal.
柔音踏板(Soft Pedal):左踏板,也叫做弱音踏板(ulna cord)。在平台式钢琴里,踩下柔音踏板时,琴槌会立刻向旁推移,使音量减少,并使声音变得非常清纯、柔和。而立式钢琴,踩下柔音踏板时,琴槌移近琴弦,藉以减轻冲力,减少打击的长度与强度,使音量变小。它的作用就不仅是帮助演奏者弹得更弱,也是为了增加声音的柔和,并除掉音质中任何敲击的成分。左踏板往往被比作“旋乐演奏者的弱音器”。
Soft pedal: the left pedal, also known as the ulna cord. In the platform piano, when you step on the soft pedal, the mallet will immediately move aside, reducing the volume and making the sound very pure and soft. On the vertical piano, when stepping on the soft pedal, the mallet moves closer to the string, so as to reduce the impact, reduce the length and intensity of the blow, and reduce the volume. Its function is not only to help the player play weaker, but also to increase the softness of the sound and eliminate any percussion components in the sound quality. The left pedal is often compared to "the Ambler of a rotary player".

