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网址:www.gangqinc.aou1.cn  2021-09-23  作者:admin    阅读:

现代的钢琴除了制音踏板及柔音踏板以外,还有一块位于中间的一根踏板。它有着令声音或弦的振动持续下去的作用。但由于持音踏板使用机会少,所以保定平面设计培训 保定空调维修 保定管道通风 包装盒定做 化粪池模具 废旧电缆回收 不锈钢铸件 现在的找持音踏板的构造和作用都有所改变。大部份现代钢琴的持音踏板被踩下时,一块活动的绒布会夹在琴槌和琴弦之间,使音量变得极细和模糊。
In addition to the modern piano sound pedal and soft pedal, there is also a pedal in the middle. It has the function of making the vibration of sound or string continue. However, due to less use of the sound pedal, the structure and function of the sound pedal have been changed. When the pedal of most modern pianos is stepped down, a piece of movable flannel will be sandwiched between the mallet and the string, making the volume extremely fine and fuzzy.
The use of pedal is the soul of piano performance. The use of pedal is not only an art, but also a knowledge. Xiaoduo piano adopts metal pedals and optional hardware. The color is comparable to that of the grand piano. The price is affordable and the quality is guaranteed.

